
Morning Meditation | 10:00 - 10:30

Hatha Yoga | 17:30 - 18:30

Hatha Yoga Level 2-3 (Greek) | 19:30 - 21:00

Ayurvedic Treatment/ Sound Healing | book your spot upon availability


Morning Yoga | 08:00 - 09:00
Ayurvedic Treatment/ Sound Healing | book your spot upon availability


Hatha Yoga | 17:30 - 18:30
Hatha Yoga Level 2-3 (Greek) | 19:30 - 21:00
Ayurvedic Treatment/ Sound Healing | book your spot upon availability


Morning Yoga | 08:00 - 09:00
Ayurvedic Treatment/ Sound Healing | book your spot upon availability


Morning Yoga | 08:00 - 09:00
Morning Meditation | 10:00 - 10:30
Ayurvedic Treatment/ Sound Healing | book your spot upon availability


Registrations at reception/ guest experience and online.
Yoga in small groups

(min. 2 people max. 6 people):

Bookings at least one hour in advance. Book your place for Morning Yoga before 10 pm.

Private yoga lessons:

Bookings at least 4 hours in advance.

Sunrise Yoga (min. 3 people):

Please book your place before 8 pm.

Ayurvedic Treatments/Sound Healing:

Please book your place before 10 pm.

Anasa through Asana

Anasa is a word of Greek origin. The meaning is breath; the breath of life. Anasa through Asana is an inner journey towards our natural state of balance, love and joy. Anasa is an invitation to the simple task of breathing mindfully and follow the magic circle of life...

Morning Yoga - 60 minutes

Start off your day by waking up the body with asanas (yoga postures) and pranayama (breathing techniques) that will uplift your energy and mood during the day. Immerse yourself in a morning practice and just BE! Wake up, set your intentions and connect with yourself.

Hatha - 60 minutes

The world hatha means force and it is also translated as “ha” meaning sun and “tha” meaning moon in Sanskrit. It refers to a combination of asanas (yoga postures) and pranayama (breathing techniques) to maintain body and mind balance. Choose this “yoga of force” to awaken your inner power. Relieve stress, tension and muscle stiffness, and keep the body strong, centered, powerful and flexible, while learning to quiet the mind.

Private yoga lessons

In private classes, the entire class is adapted to you, your body, your time, and your mental condition. Whether you are an experienced yogi or whether it is your first yoga practice, this class is ideal for you as it will be adapted according to your own needs. We will practice asanas (yoga postures) and pranayama (breathing techniques) at your own pace and rhythm. Set your personal goals and feel confident in this yoga class as your teacher will guide you uniquely in the most supportive way.

Sunrise Yoga

Sunrise is considered the optimum time to practice according to yogic theory. Your body and mind are fresh from your night's rest, having the feeling that you’re ahead of the curve in starting your day bright and early. During sunrise, everything is in a state of flux, allowing the energies to flow. When it’s you, fresh air, nature and the sunrise you become acutely aware of how beautiful life is and how lucky you are. Salute the sun, be present and embrace life.

Meditation - 30 minutes

Meditation is a simple yet very beneficial practice suitable for everyone. It  helps  reduce  stress,  increases  your  inner  clarity,  and  promotes calmness  and  happiness.  Mindful  meditation  is  not  about  trying  to empty your mind but rather paying attention to the present moment including  your  thoughts,  emotions,  and  surroundings.  Join  our meditation class to explore new positive energy, your higher self, and your purpose! Take a step towards a happier inner self!

Sound Healing - 75 minutes

Sound healing is an ancient meditative practice that uses a variety of different musical implements, to create healing vibrations all over the body while it is in a meditative state. This therapy uses Tibetan bowls and tuning forks to create vibrations that help relax your body, mind, and soul. It helps achieve a profound state of relaxation and restores the  normal  vibratory  frequencies  of  the  cells  in  our  body,  by synchronizing the brain waves.It  can  also  help  to  reduce  your  stress  levels,  mood  swings,  blood pressure, and cholesterol.In  addition,  sound  healing  has  been  used  to  heal  a  number  of conditions  including  anxiety,  depression,  post-traumatic  stress disorder,  and  autism.  Sounds  are  powerful  vibrations  that  travel  all around us, let yourself feel the vibrations for a happier and calmer self.


The  term Ayurveda  means  “knowledge  of  life”  that  derives  from  the Sanskrit  words  “Ayur”  (life  or  longevity)  and  “Veda”  (science  or knowledge). Ayuverda has been used for medicinal purposes for over 3,000 years and originates in India. Its purpose is to encourage certain lifestyle  changes  in  combination  with  natural  therapies  to  regain  a balance between the body, mind, spirit, and the environment.The treatment begins with an internal purification process, followed by a  special  diet,  herbal  remedies,  massage  therapy,  yoga,  and meditation practices. The  goal  of  ayuverdic treatment  is  to  eliminate  impurities,  reduce symptoms, stress and promote a harmonious life. In the case that you want some guidance regarding the treatments and what is ideal for your Dosha (constitution), we offer ayuverdic consultations.

Abhyanga - 60 minutes

Abhyanga is a special type of warm oil Ayuverdic massage. The oil is applied to your entire body, starting from the scalp to the soles of your feet.  The  oil  used  is  the  main  component  of  this  practice  and  in combination with the massage strokes, it promotes overall health and wellness. It helps reduce stress levels, lowers blood pressure, improves skin health, reduces muscle stiffness and promotes lymphatic drainage.

Pina Sweda - 60 minutes

Pinda sweda is a unique treatment that combines massage  and  sweat  therapy.  Using  the  standard heat and oil process at the core of the majority of Ayuverdic  treatment,  Pinda  Sweda  additionally, uses  medicinal  cooked  rice  or  ‘puddings’  made  of herbs  which  creates  a  wellness  experience.  It  is  a detoxifying  treatment  (Panchakarma)  and  its benefits  include  improved  circulation,  lymphatic drainage,  joint  health,  relaxed  muscles,  promotes injury recovery and complete relaxation.

Udvartana - 45 minutes

Udvartana is an Ayuverdic practice that entails massaging the  skin  with  dry  powders,  as  a  means  of  restoring  your body’s balance and maintaining your physical health. This treatment  uses  powdered  compounds  of  herbs  and medicinal  spices.  As  a  detoxifying  treatment,  it  helps remove  toxins,  activate  your  metabolism,  reduce  body aches and pains, eliminate fat, weight loss, and eliminate the heaviness of your body.

Karna Puran - 30 minutes

Karna Puran is an ayurvedic ear oiling therapy in which the warm oil is instilled  and  filled  in  the  ears.It  can  be  done  on  people  who  are experiencing an illness or people who want to maintain their physical well-being  and  prevent  diseases  from  occurring.  It  helps  prevent vertigo, heals poor hearing and ringing in the ears, and ear imbalances. In  addition,  it  soothes  and  cleanses  the  ear  resulting  in  a  calmer nervous system. It is an ideal treatment if you’re in need of relaxation.

Nasyam - 30 minutes

According to Ayurveda, nostrils are considered the be the pathway  to  the  brain.  Nasyam  is  a  very  powerful rejuvenating  and  detoxifying  treatment  (Panchakarma) that  involves  administering  medicated  herbal  oils through  the  nose.  It  cures  nasal  congestion,  removes toxins  from  the  head  area,  improves  your  memory, relieves  headaches,alleviates  stress,  and  prevents  skin
diseases. It is ideal for the prevention of unwanted bodily fluids and COVID-19.

Sirodhara- 45 minutes / 90 minutes

Shirodhara  derives  from  the  Sanskrit  words  ‘’Shiro’’(head)  and ‘’Dhara’’(flow).
It’s an ayurvedic healing technique that involves pouring liquid, most commonly oil, on your forehead. It is often accompanied by a body or head  massage.  Sirodhara  is  a  traditional  healing  method  that  helps your body, mind, and soul reach a harmonious level among them. It is a popular method that has been used for decades.It is one of the most purifying and rejuvenating treatments that not only removes harmful AMA toxins from our body,it also helps reduce stress levels, gets rid of mental exhaustion by calming the nervous system, and treats a number
of  disorders.  Choose  this  special  treatment  if you  need  to  recharge, rejuvenate and connect with yourself.